
Recommendation letter

Bandung, March 4th 2019 To : Prof Bambang Sutarjo Rector of military command Dear Mr. Bambang, Recommending Rama Laksana Jaya Putra a student of mine for the past 2 years. I have taught his PE  during his third and fourth years. He is one of my best students, he is tough, brilliant, dicipline student. His proficiency and dedicated work during school impressed me. He is good at it, He can do anything for his achievment. As i tried to know more about him, i found out that he was selected to be a military officer. He has good attitude, toughness, alertness, readiness to become a military officer. I think he is a worthy candidate for admission to your university. I recommend him with him comfidence. sincerely yours, Vanessa ettenia Headmaster of SMA Negeri 3 Bandung Belitung No.8 Street, Bandung


Edu Passion : Agranasta On 24th january, my school held an event name Edu Passion : Agranasta Edu Passion is one of events held by OSIS SMA Negeri 3 Bandung. Symbol of Agranasta is whale. The whale is commonly associated with emotion, inner truth, and creativity. This event made some workshops, talkshow, presentation from some faculties, in some univerities, and there were many stand of each universities and also some course or instutions that can help us to be able to study aboard.\ I was one of committee of edu passioan agranasta so i cant do then interview. i did my job that day. i am koodinator of lapangan so i have many job. before the event start, my job are : - tell my teamwork for search foodtenant - testfood - selection of foodtenant that want to join - bring the invitation to another school - mapping in that day my team and i did our job that moving participants and change money from ticket. s

My goals

My name is Vanessa, and im 17 years old I have 2 siblings, they are my older brother.  his name is deli and he is 27 years old his name is kevin and he is 22 years old people have strength and weakness about their self my strength are  im an extrovert people i can speak in front of many people,  i can start coversation with new people i can ice skating my weakness are  im dirty im forgetful moodyan im very lazy i have a hobby. and my hobby is playing ice skating and become an athtlet and finally because of patience and spending all my abilities can become an international athlete and can boast the name of the school and even the country in international matches. the farthers and biggest match i have ever participated in is Skate Asia in Bangkok, Thailand. There i tried my best, and alhamdulillah i got the champion, but it wasnt my struggle. I started for practice skating from the age of 10 and had been practicing for 8 years. I have many...

passive voice

The Dangerous Helper In a dense forest, there was lake. All the animals used to drink water from the lake. The water of this lake was so sweet that many fish lived there for long time. In this lake there lived a crab. The crab’s best friend was a swan. That swan was in the same lake. They were happy in the company of each other. Their happiness lasted until one day a snake made its home near the lake. Every day the swan laid an egg. The snake would come and eat it up. “I have to find a way to save my eggs," thought the swan. One day, he went to the crab and said, “Please help me, dear friend. My eggs are under threat. That cruel snake eats all the eggs in the nest. What can I do?" The crab decided to help its best friend. The crab thought for a while. Then he said, “I have an idea. Let us catch some fish from this lake and scatter them from the snake’s house till the mongoose house." That mongoose lived in the nearby tree. Then, the crab and the swan caught some fish an...

SDG 11sustainable cities and communities


analytical expotition

YOUTUBE  Who's not know about youtube? youtube isn't most interesting website for indonesia teeneger. Not a teenager but also kids and adults can access this website, but youtube have a negative and  positif impact for us. Why all people always access youtube? First, people need a breaktime or comfort their self with some interesting object. They can access youtubr for search some interesting thing. For example : music, movie, video, trailer etc Second, people need youtube to get inspiration for his/ her homework, learning something. For example, we can see video that explain the questions, built some handy craft study for the test. Third, youtube can make some people express their talent. Like singing, dance, etc.  Because many people upload his/ her video about his talent in youtube, so people other can see their talent. Can learning something new. Like how to have light exercise at home, get knowledge about their talent like video of competition etc. For e...

analysis invitation

purpose: invitation to come to birthday party body:  address : ballroom crown plaza hotel bandung in lembong street number 19 Bandung salution or greeting : date / time / place : 21 april 2018 5.30 pm  crown plaza bandung R.S.V.P : id line: vanessasettenia instagram: etteniaaa signature vanessa ettenia tense : present tense