
Menampilkan postingan dari Juli, 2017

it's all about me

Hello my name is Vanessa. I was born in Bandung, April 21st 2001. I am the third of three children. i live in Bandung and i'm one of the student in SMAN 3 Bandung. speaking of hobby, my hobbies are skating, watching film , and travelling i have went to Europe, Australia and Asia for travelling i am not a very smart girl. i am the laziest girl in my class. i hope in can be a doctor like my mother an i wish i can study at UNPAD  well now i want to tell you about my family. i have two brother, and he's name deli. he is the older brother and the second brother name is Kevin my father is a businessman and my mother is a doctor when i was 7 years old i had a dream to be a famous person HAHAHA, but its just 1 month i had many dreams when i was a children but now i know that dream maybe hard to got so i had a dream to be a doctor like my mom but i think my passion is not to be doctor i wish i can be a professional skater and i can be a professional coach skating i want to ...