
Menampilkan postingan dari Oktober, 2018

analytical expotition

YOUTUBE  Who's not know about youtube? youtube isn't most interesting website for indonesia teeneger. Not a teenager but also kids and adults can access this website, but youtube have a negative and  positif impact for us. Why all people always access youtube? First, people need a breaktime or comfort their self with some interesting object. They can access youtubr for search some interesting thing. For example : music, movie, video, trailer etc Second, people need youtube to get inspiration for his/ her homework, learning something. For example, we can see video that explain the questions, built some handy craft study for the test. Third, youtube can make some people express their talent. Like singing, dance, etc.  Because many people upload his/ her video about his talent in youtube, so people other can see their talent. Can learning something new. Like how to have light exercise at home, get knowledge about their talent like video of competition etc. For e...

analysis invitation

purpose: invitation to come to birthday party body:  address : ballroom crown plaza hotel bandung in lembong street number 19 Bandung salution or greeting : date / time / place : 21 april 2018 5.30 pm  crown plaza bandung R.S.V.P : id line: vanessasettenia instagram: etteniaaa signature vanessa ettenia tense : present tense