
Menampilkan postingan dari Agustus, 2017

next holiday

location : school Vanessa and Vania are talking about their plan for next holiday vania: hey nes what are you doing? nes: hey vania, im looking for country in Europe. next holiday i will go there. vania: oh wow i recommend you to go to London. nes: why london? do you know about London? please tell me. vania : hmm just a little information but my friend told me that London is very nice in winter but too cold there nes : oohh yaa i know it thank you for the information. how about you? vania ; in desember i will go to puncak in bogor with my family. i will have a family time with my family nes : ohh looks interesting. have a nice holiday vania vania : thank you nes have a nice holiday too *bell ringing* nes: ohh bell ringing. i have to go back to my class. see you next time vania vania: see you

the broken leg

THE BROKEN LEG one day, i was playing basketball with my friend in BIC. it was a rainy season. i was feel cold at the time. before i played basketball, we had been given instruction by our coach. After that me and my friend did warming up. Our coach asked us to run like 10 around of the hall, 10 without the ball and 10 with the ball. after that he asked me for drink because he (my coach) knew my face so tired and bad mood because the weather. my coach asked us to play a game. me and my friend started to play a game. when i tried to throw the ball i slipped and oh my god i fell down and my leg broken. not just fell down my leg hit my friend's body. suddenly i cried. everyone looked at me at the time and brought me to the hospital at the time too. but i knew my car not in there at the time.i can't walk so i can't take my phone on the locker. it is my bad day but, luckily in BIC there is a visit from the bone doctor because there was an injured of football p...
dialog  (one day vania and vanessa meet up in train station) Vania: hello Vanessa: hi, vania. where have you been? Vania: i have been searching for my bestfriend Nes: did you find what were you looking for? Vania: not yet. Nes: may i help you? Vania: no, thank you nes. wait, where you  going to? Nes: i am going to Yogyakarta for study tour. How about you? Vania: i must go to jakarta to pick up my friend Nes: what's going on with your friend? vania: we are going to singapore to watch music bank  Nes; wooh it's so cool Vania: maybe the concert will be start on august 16th 2017, do you want to go with me ? i already have one ticket nes: hmmm i think i cant join with you because i come back form Yogyakarta on august 15th, so maybe i feel tired  Vania: okee if you want to join with us you can call me yaa. Nes: okayy thankyou vamia see you soon. wew