 (one day vania and vanessa meet up in train station)
Vania: hello
Vanessa: hi, vania. where have you been?
Vania: i have been searching for my bestfriend
Nes: did you find what were you looking for?
Vania: not yet.
Nes: may i help you?
Vania: no, thank you nes. wait, where you  going to?
Nes: i am going to Yogyakarta for study tour. How about you?
Vania: i must go to jakarta to pick up my friend
Nes: what's going on with your friend?
vania: we are going to singapore to watch music bank 
Nes; wooh it's so cool
Vania: maybe the concert will be start on august 16th 2017, do you want to go with me ? i already have one ticket
nes: hmmm i think i cant join with you because i come back form Yogyakarta on august 15th, so maybe i feel tired 
Vania: okee if you want to join with us you can call me yaa.
Nes: okayy thankyou vamia see you soon.



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yuna kim

passive voice
