
Menampilkan postingan dari September, 2017

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GROUP: VANESSA ETTENIA VANIA ANNISA NATIONAL MONUMENT (MONAS JAKARTA) 132 m (433 ft) tower in the centre of  Merdeka Square ,  Central Jakarta , symbolizing the fight for  Indonesia . The monument and the museum are  open daily from 08.00 until 16.00  Western Indonesia Time ( UTC+7 ) throughout the week except for the Mondays when the monument is closed.  Since April 2016, the monument also opens during night time,  from 19.00 until 22.00 in  Tuesday  to  Friday , and from 19.00 until 00.00 in  Saturday  and  Sunday Facilities : - Food stand - Toilet - Spacious yard - Free mat and many more. 50% discount for 5 lucky person in burger stand. GRAB IT FAST! TOTALLY FREE ENTRY! link

ice skating

on       september 2017 i asked permission to my school for my ice skating exercise in Jakarta, because my school had a event that all student 10 grade must join the event, or they must to share what did they do why they couldn't join the even. and now i am going to tell you about my story when i didn't there i went to jakarka at 6 in the morning. with my driver and my bodyguard.  my trip so nice , no traffic jam. so i arrived at 8 o'clock. the ice skating is inside the bintaro jaya xchange mall, so at 8 o'clock the mall wasn't open. i was waiting for the mall opened , maybe until 10 o'clock. when it was ten o'clock i hurried up to go up stair because i had a lesson with my coach at 11 o'clock and i wasnt ready at the time. i must to warmed up before i played skating for avoid injury. maybe i waste my time 20-25 minutes for warmed up or i called it off ice because i warmed up not in the ice but outside the ice. after that i immediately wear my skating s...