ice skating

on       september 2017 i asked permission to my school for my ice skating exercise in Jakarta, because my school had a event that all student 10 grade must join the event, or they must to share what did they do why they couldn't join the even.
and now i am going to tell you about my story when i didn't there
i went to jakarka at 6 in the morning. with my driver and my bodyguard.  my trip so nice , no traffic jam. so i arrived at 8 o'clock. the ice skating is inside the bintaro jaya xchange mall, so at 8 o'clock the mall wasn't open. i was waiting for the mall opened , maybe until 10 o'clock. when it was ten o'clock i hurried up to go up stair because i had a lesson with my coach at 11 o'clock and i wasnt ready at the time. i must to warmed up before i played skating for avoid injury. maybe i waste my time 20-25 minutes for warmed up or i called it off ice because i warmed up not in the ice but outside the ice. after that i immediately wear my skating shoes and go to the ice. first that i should do before going inside the ice ofcourse pray to Gods, secondly i run for warm up my body before i take my lesson. i usually had a personal warm up before lesson but at the time i didnt have many times for my personal warm up so i took my lesson. my coach knew that i late for my time to skating, and he knows me if i didnt warm up i can injured so my coach give me more time to warm up after i done my warm up. i go back to my coach and continue my lesson. as always my coach teach me how to get posture as good as figure skating, and than we practice my spin. the first spin was sit spin, just 1 tried i can learn another spin because he told me that my spin was nice. second he asked me to camel spin, for the first time yes, i cant do it but i still tried hard to bring back my spin. after that i tried to bilman, camel sit, and the last back spin. it spend maybe 1 hour. i asked to my coach to get a rest maybe 1/ 2 hour and in the afternoon i continue my lesson and my coach agreed. in 2 hour i must to had lunch because i hadnt breakfast. maybe at 2 in the afternoon i back to skating zone and get ready to my second lesson . my coach told me that we must to practice my jump because i lost my jumped at the last competition. so i must to bring it back. maybe 1 hour i practice and i had injured because after i jump i fell down because my leg didnt landing position and always be like that but i can bring my jump back to me so i can join competition for my level . after i finished my lesson i get a rest for a minutes and practice more with my self for get a best from my jump and spin. maybe until 7 at night i had finish my practice i get ready to go home because i felt tired at the time
that's all my story


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